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The Geekly Book Review - Vol. 1: Nameless

By: Jenny Robinson

For a gal with not a lot of spare time, I still manage to read a fair amount. I am known to always have a printed book, audiobook, comic book or magazine rolling at all times (usually more than just one). So I want to share with you the stuff I am currently absorbed in. Some will be new releases, other will be ones I am finally getting too. I hope you enjoy, and in turn hook me up with some fresh suggestions that I can tackle next week.

I don’t always pick my comics up right when they come out. There is a sweet charm that comics have not gotten so spoiler conscious as tv and movies. You can go onto Twitter and Facebook without being hit over the head with a BIG event before you had a chance to read it yourself. Basically, yes…comics rule!

This week I caught up on Nameless. Issue 4 just hit the stands on June 10th. I love me some sci-fi but oddly it isn’t the first genre I run towards (I am more a horror and special agent kinda gal). When I was at Long Beach Comic Expo, I sat in on an Image Comics panel which had Chris Burnham (plus Dustin Nguyen and Joshua Hale Failkov to name a few). During the panel, they talked a bit about Nameless. I bought the first issue on the floor that day. It’s a pretty fascinating story.

It has an “end times’ astroid heading to earth, strange occult references, dives deep into dreams and unexplained (so far) murders. The focus rotates around an fine balancing act between the sane and the mad. 

Issue 4 was like watching an acid trip. It had a different feel than the first 3 issues in my opinion, yet still worked well with the story. I get nervous when a comic jumps to a totally different creative direction. It is not always a direction that makes sense. This one works though. The first 3 issues had moments of the “madness” but focused on more of the set up. This issue felt as if I was in a dream that I wake up from on the last page. It dove straight into the InHuman reason of the astroid and that very fragile separation of hope and despair.

The Nameless now have to focus on not loosing his mind, and still save the earth from a “prehistory cosmic war”. Issue 5 is scheduled to hit the shelves July 8th.

You can find Jenny on Twitter: @robiart