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The Geekly Book Review - Vol 2: Chrononauts

By: Jenny Robinson

For a gal with not a lot of spare time, I still manage to read a fair amount. I am known to always have a printed book, audiobook, comic book or magazine rolling at all times (usually more than just one). So I want to share with you the stuff I am currently absorbed in. Some will be new releases, other will be ones I am finally getting too. I hope you enjoy, and in turn hook me up with some fresh suggestions that I can tackle next week.

Chrononauts may be my favorite comic on the stands right now. It is absolutely ridiculous. Now wait, don’t get me wrong...ridiculous in a very good way. Image Comic’s summary says it best “From Mark Miller (Kick-Ass) and Sean Gordon Murphy (Punk Rock Jesus) comes a bromance for the ages!”

It’s a story of time travel told by 2 science genius that love a little adventure. What harm is there in changing the time line, really? Oh, and it is televised, a new twist to reality tv.

I suppose with history, if you can bring back a jet to the times of Genghis Khan, you may seem like a God. Heck! There are parts where samurai hundreds of years ago are driving tanks. Seriously.

Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly are best friends that seem to be struggling if using time travel should be for the good of mankind or just good for them. There are so many instances in these issues that I laugh out loud. For two smart guys, they seem to make some dumb decisions. 

The girls at my favorite comic store even asked me “So, are you more towards the talk, dark and handsome or Mr. Blondie?”. That is a tough one. Issue one had me all for Corbin (dark and handsome) but he’s kinda screwing things up royally despite his insanely high I.Q. So I have started to lean towards Danny (Mr. Blondie). I kind of expect Danny to break from the planned and proceed with the fun-as-hell stuff. 

In Issue 4 we see the boys get deep in trouble and right some wrongs. It ends with a raised-eyebrow type cliff hanger. There is currently no release date for Issue 5 (Please! Pretty Please!) but good news is that Universal has already picked it up for a major motion picture!

You can find Jenny on Twitter: @robiart