Atomic Geekdom

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Late Night Game Nights

By: Jason McKelvey

Geek Advice For The Geek Dad

As a geek dad who loves movies and board games, it’s important to set aside time to do both. Fortunately, I am able to geek out a lot at work with a bunch of guys who also enjoy board games and movies, but just talking about them is never sufficient. You got to play them, you got to live them, you have to make specific time to play them.

A couple weeks ago I played games with some of my brother-in-laws for many hours. However, as a bunch of husbands and dads, we don’t get to play at normal hours. We started playing at 8:30pm on a Friday night, and played till about 3:00am. This isn’t abnormal, as the way of a geek dad requires commitment to your family (putting the kid to sleep), pleasing the wife, and then heading out for a late night game night.

We were able to fit in many games: Hanabi, Settler’s of Catan, Settler’s Seafarers, Puerto Rico, Scotland Yard, and Takenoko to name a few. In my opinion, all great games (some more than others), all of which I hope to review in posts to come.

Geeking out is easy, pick something you’re passionate about, and invest time and energy into it. The hard part of geeking out is finding the time to do so. I make sure to designate one night a month to geeking out to movies with guys, and one night every couple months for late night game nights. It’s something my wife and family has agreed to, and it’s a schedule that works well. Other dads might be able to get more time, and some less, but what’s important is that you’re able to do so.

The Advice: Figure out what geeks you out (if you haven’t done so already), set a schedule that works for your wife and family, and stick to it! YOU’RE GONNA LOVE IT.

You can follow Jason on Twitter: @mckelveyj37