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Revival Teaser and Announcement!

By: Dave Clark

While attending C2E2 this past weekend I was fortunate to run into so many great creative minds. One such mind was Tim Seeley. He created the book Hack/Slash, and more recently he's been writing for DC Comics with the Nightwing series. He also co-created a book with Battlepug creator Mike Norton titled Revival. He was doing a lot of artwork while at the con so he didn't have much time to talk to us in an interview (however, stay tuned to future episodes of the podcast). But he passed along a card that gave the details of an exclusive surprise Post-Mortem Panel on Sunday in which he debuted the following footage:

This teaser was followed up quickly with the announcement that Revival would be debuting as a live-action feature film! Shatterglass Films (responsible for the footage above) co-founder Luke Boyce will direct a script co-written by creator Tim Seeley and Sarah Fischer. Production is tentatively set to begin in early 2018.

Revival was set in snowy Wausau, Wisconsin where dead citizens begin to come back to life and pick up where they left, almost as if they had never died in the first place. Central to the story is police officer Dana Cypress, who's own sister Em is one of the recently revived members of the city. That's a basic telling of the plot only because to reveal more would rob you the chance of reading this for yourselves, and you SHOULD! Now!

Are you as excited as I am about this news? Do you miss reading new issues of Revival? Can we get more new issues of Hack/Slash? Let's discuss in the comments below!