Mark Sheppard


Sliders Retrospective

Post-Series Depression, otherwise known as PSD, affects millions of people each year. With the creation of countless streaming platforms, this form of depression has spread across the globe faster than any virus ever has in all of human history. Symptoms of PSD could be, but are not limited to; a state of depression or sadness, a feeling of loss and emptiness, the inability to start another show, and many more similar feelings.


Review: Supernatural - "The Vessel"

Dean convinces "Castiel", who is still Lucifer, to send him back in time to the last reported sighting of the Hand of God which could be useful as a weapon against Amara. Lucifer sees the potential in getting his hands on this weapon so goes along with it and sends Dean to 1944 to the fated submarine mission that sunk the Hand of God. Meanwhile, continuing his charade with Sam while they wait for Dean's return, Lucifer plans his next move.