This week on the podcast we return to Geeking Out about all the random awesomeness in the Geek world. We talk about Jessica Jones S2 coming out on Netflix, and an assorted array of news from the Netflix release schedule. We also discuss the various shows and movies we're currently consuming on a daily/weekly basis. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdom, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!
Men In Black
128 UFO, Aliens, Abductions, & The Cover-Up!
This week Jenny and Dave welcome Matt (2 Broke Geeks) and Randy (Just 2 Pals) to discuss all things aliens! They dig into some terrifying alien abduction stories, and some of the more famous alien and UFO sightings on record. As always, we wanna hear your opinions as well. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdom or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!