
Episode 171

171 Horror Franchises

This week on the podcast Jenny, Dave, and Matt get together to kick off our traditional month of spooky and other-wordly themed podcasts. This time they're talking about Horror movie franchises. It seems when a horror movie does well at the box office, you're guaranteed to see a sequel, and another sequel, and another, and then a prequel, and then a reboot. We talk about our favorites, which ones didn't need a sequel, and which ones were just plain ugly. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdomFacebookInstagram, and YouTube or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!

Episode 70

70 Shocking Twists

This week on the podcast JD, Danny, and Dave sit down to shock the world! They discuss their favorite shocking endings and twists from comics, TV, movies, and games! As always, we wanna hear your opinions as well. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdom or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!