The Lost Room

Episode 95

95 Christopher Leone Returns!

This week we've got a returning guest to the show! Christopher Leone (The Lost Room, Parallels) returns to talk about his latest project, his first book! Champions of the Third Planet is his passion project and he's here to explain his writing process and the crowd sourcing he's doing on Click the link now and help participate in getting this project made! As always, we wanna hear your opinions as well. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdom or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!

Episode 82

82 Atomic Geekdom Obscura

This week on the podcast we're talking about the obscure! It's our first walking into Atomic Geekdom Obscura as Danny, JD, and Dave talk about their favorite lesser known movies and TV shows! As always, we wanna hear your opinions as well. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdom or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!

Episode 55

55 Christopher Leone

This week on the podcast Jenny, JD, and Dave are joined by a very special guest. The writer and director of the Netflix film ParallelsChristopher Leone joins the guys as the discuss his film. They ask the tough questions and get....some answers to all the mysteries surrounding the building. You can find the film on Netflix and Christopher is on twitter @ChristophrLeone. Watch the film and tell all your friends! As always, we wanna hear your opinions as well. Find us on Twitter: @AtomicGeekdom or comment on the podcast page of the website to join the conversation. Thanks for listening and please Rate/Review us on iTunes!