Falling Skies

The Binge Watch: Jericho - Season One

I watch a LOT of television. I often find myself picking up brand new shows when I’m already overloaded with other shows that I haven’t caught up on. As it stands right now, I have the entire last season of Falling Skies to get through before the new season begins. I only just NOW finished the second season of Hannibal, in anticipation for season three to begin. I’m way behind in Homeland, Penny Dreadful, Orphan Black, and a few others. Yet I find myself on Netflix searching for shows I’ve loved so that I can re-watch them. I just finished Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Scrubs, and I’m on the final season of Lost. So when I decided to do this bi-weekly Binge Watch column, I wanted to pick a show that I hadn’t seen in some time. Jericho fit this bill nicely. I had only watched it the one time, while it was airing on CBS in its original, ill-fated run. The show barely lasted two seasons. It was canceled after its full first season, but due to a heavy fan based campaign involving a lot of peanuts being shipped to the network, it was renewed, only to be canceled again after just seven episodes. The series ran a total of twenty-nine episodes and spawned a continuing comic book series much in the way that Buffy has lived on in the panels of the Dark Horse Comics.

Falling Skies

Falling Skies Season 4 Trailer

The summer season is upon us and that means that a new slate of shows will be premiering soon. One of which is the returning post-alien invasion Falling Skies. It took me some time to get into this show but I'm glad I did. Last season was, in my humble opinion, the best season of the show and I like how season 4 seems to be shaping up. I enjoy the show's attention to historic detail. Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) was a history professor which gives him a great deal of knowledge when it comes to historical battle planning.