Penny Dreadful

The Binge Watch: Jericho - Season One

I watch a LOT of television. I often find myself picking up brand new shows when I’m already overloaded with other shows that I haven’t caught up on. As it stands right now, I have the entire last season of Falling Skies to get through before the new season begins. I only just NOW finished the second season of Hannibal, in anticipation for season three to begin. I’m way behind in Homeland, Penny Dreadful, Orphan Black, and a few others. Yet I find myself on Netflix searching for shows I’ve loved so that I can re-watch them. I just finished Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Scrubs, and I’m on the final season of Lost. So when I decided to do this bi-weekly Binge Watch column, I wanted to pick a show that I hadn’t seen in some time. Jericho fit this bill nicely. I had only watched it the one time, while it was airing on CBS in its original, ill-fated run. The show barely lasted two seasons. It was canceled after its full first season, but due to a heavy fan based campaign involving a lot of peanuts being shipped to the network, it was renewed, only to be canceled again after just seven episodes. The series ran a total of twenty-nine episodes and spawned a continuing comic book series much in the way that Buffy has lived on in the panels of the Dark Horse Comics.

Best TV of 2014

We are totally living in the Golden Age of television. Now now, I know people will argue that, but seriously…we are. Coming up with the top 10 of 2014 seemed easy, but it wasn’t for me at all. There is so much great television that I am harassed daily because I haven’t watched a particular show. I have FX’s Tyrant on my DVR still awaiting a watch. CW’s The 100 is anxiously awaiting a play and the guys on this particular website are at me to get Arrow started. There is seriously not enough time in the day for all of the great T.VSo here I go. My top 10 of 2014 and a few honorable mentions…