Guillermo del Toro

Best TV of 2014

We are totally living in the Golden Age of television. Now now, I know people will argue that, but seriously…we are. Coming up with the top 10 of 2014 seemed easy, but it wasn’t for me at all. There is so much great television that I am harassed daily because I haven’t watched a particular show. I have FX’s Tyrant on my DVR still awaiting a watch. CW’s The 100 is anxiously awaiting a play and the guys on this particular website are at me to get Arrow started. There is seriously not enough time in the day for all of the great T.VSo here I go. My top 10 of 2014 and a few honorable mentions…

Parallel Existence E1-E6

'The Strain' - Parallel Existence

I was in Shreveport in June of 2009 with some fellow fang friends. A long discussion took up the distance between Shreveport and Monroe about how del Toro could be a genius for writing a “true” vampire book. I got home and went straight to the book store. At the end of 2011, I jumped right into the Dark Horse graphic novel adaptation. As you could imagine, when FX stepped in and the pilot was in the works, I was like a kid on Christmas morning.