Susan Backlinie

Top Ten Horror Films Countdown: #7 Jaws

When I sat down to think of what films would be on my list, I was surprised how many of them were movies I saw when I was just a kid or young teenager. Were my parents irresponsible for letting such an "impressionable" youth see such violent and horrifying materials? NOPE! First, I probably snuck away to see them, watching them when they weren't home or when I was away for a sleepover or something. Secondly, my parents taught me at very young age what was right and what was wrong, and that there are consequences for our actions. So I was saved from becoming some psychotic axe murderer or something. Still these movies did scare me at a young age, but so did Michael Jackson's video for Thriller. Anyways, let me get down from my soapbox and begin my review for our #7 film, Jaws...