Steven Spielberg


SDCC 2017 / Day 3 Wrap-Up

Another Comic-Con day and more Comic-Con news! And boy what a day. There are a fair amount of trailers to post so I'll try not to blather on too much.

Review: Jurassic World

Review: Jurassic World

In the summer of 1993 a little movie was about to come out. It promised of very realistic looking dinosaurs attacking humans in a modern setting. I was fascinated with the idea of Jurassic Park. I couldn't wait to see it, but then I discovered that it was a book before they made the movie. As fast as I could I did as many chores as possible to scrounge up the ten bucks it cost to buy this book in paperback form. I was enamoured with this book. First the cover was beautifully simple. It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton logo that was raised a bit off the paper so it was a bit bumpy and 3-D. I read the book in two days, using the 90 minute drive down to Six Flags Great America to read as much as I could (motion sickness be damned!) I fell in love immediately with the author and the story. For my birthday, which was only a week before the release date, my Uncle took me to the movie. From the music, to the story, to the stunning visual effects, this movie had moved me and made me a fan of cinematic story-telling forever. Fast forward to 2015 and I had that same tingly feeling going into the anticipation of Jurassic World.

Review: Poltergeist

Review: Poltergeist (2015)

Before I begin this, I’d like to first insist that I enjoyed this remake of Poltergeist

All of the actors do well with what they are given. The direction is interesting, bold and well paced. The writing, at the very least, wasn’t as terrible as it could have been. However, as I’ve been putting my thoughts together over the last few days, I continue to find more and more problems with the film.

Top Ten Horror Films Countdown: #7 Jaws

When I sat down to think of what films would be on my list, I was surprised how many of them were movies I saw when I was just a kid or young teenager. Were my parents irresponsible for letting such an "impressionable" youth see such violent and horrifying materials? NOPE! First, I probably snuck away to see them, watching them when they weren't home or when I was away for a sleepover or something. Secondly, my parents taught me at very young age what was right and what was wrong, and that there are consequences for our actions. So I was saved from becoming some psychotic axe murderer or something. Still these movies did scare me at a young age, but so did Michael Jackson's video for Thriller. Anyways, let me get down from my soapbox and begin my review for our #7 film, Jaws...

Top Ten Horror Films Countdown: #10 Poltergeist

Today we kick off our Top Ten Horror Film Countdown. The Atomic Geekdom staff voted and we put together this list of our favorite horror films. Each day, leading up to Halloween, we'll reveal the next entry in our countdown. So let's begin...

'Jurassic World' Anticipation

I can remember vividly, seeing the first Jurassic Park film twenty years ago. It was really the first time I saw a film that I had previously read the novel first. I loved Michael Crichton's book and it really got me to read more of his work which in turn, really got me interested in science fiction and in science. The film, however, captured my imagination in a way I wasn't expecting. The way it was shot, the special effects mixed with practical effects and the music made me believe this park could be real. The suspense, the pacing, the acting, the humor, the drama, all of it made for a great film that's stuck with me ever since.