

The Lady-Hero is Here To Stay

When it was announced that Star Wars: The Force Awakens would feature a predominant female lead, there was a huge outcry of upset fans claiming this was merely pandering to the feminazi’s of the world. What followed was unprecedented success for the character of Rey, and a slew of new films featuring female superheroes, role models, scientists, and even fish. Similar hatred was spewed when the Ghostbusters reboot and Rogue One were announced, but the people have spoken. The top 2 grossing films of 2016 (Finding DoryRogue One)* were centered on stories of girls; their struggles, their coming of age, and their realization of the power of their voices. Regardless of any opinion to the contrary, the female hero is here to stay, and let me just say, it’s about damn time. 


The Battle of Mary Sue & Marty Stu

In geek culture, the term “just another Mary Sue” is thrown around on a daily basis. When I first heard the term it was as an insult. This made me curious to figure out “who the heck is Mary Sue”.

Hate: A Love Story V1

Hate: A Love Story, Vol. 1: T(why?)light

I ask you this question, Geekdom; will you join me in a journey into the deepest
depths of horrifying and peer into the darkness of your most despised subjects? Will you join me
in embracing the hate?

Decisions of A Geek Dad

Decisions of The Geek Dad

My life as a geek is a simple one. When there is a show or movie that I am interested in, I watch it. My life as a geek father is much more complicated. In all honesty, I do make it a bit more difficult by being fairly strict about the things I allow my children to watch. Then there are my personal geek preferences: Star Trek over Star Wars, DC over Marvel, Green Lantern over…everyone. As my son gets older, I am realizing that this is going to be more difficult than I thought it would be? How do I raise a young geek to have his own interests and not just imitating me? How do I expose him to all the wonders of the geekdom while keeping in mind age appropriateness?  How do I keep him from ever being interested in things like Twilight!?

Fan Casting #1: Indiana Jones

Inspired by a (hopefully false) crazy rumor that Twilight's very own Robert Pattinson would be taking the whip as the new Indiana Jones, we bring our first Fan Casting. You guys get to weigh in on who you'd cast as the new Indiana Jones. It's entirely up to you. So...let's hear it. Who do you want to see as Indiana Jones in any future installments of the much loved franchise...well it was, until Crystal Skull. Leave your comments below!