Captain America


Review: Avengers: Infinity War

It's been ten years in the making and it has taken 18 films to reach the pinnacle of what will be the biggest game-changer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After only showing up briefly throughout the films (Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, & Avengers: Age of Ultron), Thanos has taken center stage with the Black Order as they reign chaos in Avengers: Infinity War. I will be giving a brief non-spoiler review, and then diving in to go over some of the best (and very spoiler-filled) moments.


Avengers: Infinity War Trailer & Predictions

Ever since they announced that the film was being pushed up a week to April 27th, we all have been asking the same question; Is there going to be a second trailer? We are a little over a month away and all we have is that one teaser trailer three months ago.


Avengers Infinity War Teaser Trailer

After 10 years, 18 films, and over 30 characters introduced among the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we have finally reached the film that everyone was talking about since we first saw Thanos in the end credit scene of the first Avenger film; Avengers: Infinity War teaser trailer. If you have not seen it yet, here it is:


SDCC 2017 / Day 3 Wrap-Up

Another Comic-Con day and more Comic-Con news! And boy what a day. There are a fair amount of trailers to post so I'll try not to blather on too much.


Anti-Review: Captain America: Civil War

Well, when it rains it pours and Marvel Studios continues its streak of duds with Captain America: Civil War.


Secret Empire United We Stand Trailer

It's been building for some time now. Amidst the controversy that was the reveal of Steve Rogers (Captain America) being an agent of Hydra, the story began. Secret Empire is a story told across several Marvel titles but culminating in this new series. Here's a teaser trailer for the series along with some comments from writer Nick Spencer:


Growing Up On Earth 2

I’m a white American male. About as typical as they come. As a white American male, I haven’t had to traverse the inherit hurdles that a lot of my culturally diverse peers have. Also, the world of American entertainment seemingly caters to my needs. Growing up I didn’t have to search high and low for a hero who looked like me. However, when I think back I don’t remember seeing my favorite heroes in this light. I didn’t see Batman as a white male hero. I saw him as the super detective protector of the innocent. He fought crime so that no other child would end up watching their parents murdered in front of their eyes. He punched faces in the name of honor and justice. I saw him that way and no way else because I didn’t have to try to see him in another way. As a boy, the television, the movie screen, the video games, and the comic books made the protagonists in my image. I didn’t know any other way, until I grew up.


New 'Captain America: Civil War' Trailer Has Arrived!

Today is the day! We were promised a new trailer for Captain America: Civil War and we got it! It had everything! We got more of a perspective from Tony's side of the feud this time around and we saw just how War Machine ends up being beaten up pretty badly and cradled unconsciously by Iron Man. We were treated to much more Black Panther action and we also saw a VERY awesome sequence in which Ant-Man shrinks down and flies on one of Hawkeye's arrows. So fantastic! Oh...and Spider-Man finally debuted. Check it out!


'Captain America: Civil War' S.B 50 Spot

It's that time of year. While two teams decide which one is the best in the NFL during this year's Super Bowl, the nation watches and waits...for commercials. In the year of dozens of Geek related films, we all waited to see what new trailers we'd get for those films. First up was Marvel and their new teaser for Captain America: Civil War

'Captain America: Civil War' Teaser Debuts!

Tonight during Jimmy Kimmel Live, Chris Evans and Robert Downey, Jr. talked about the latest installment into the MCU, Captain America: Civil War. Kimmel made his jokes, and was generally entertaining, but he was teasing all day that we'd get a Civil War surprise tonight...and he did not disappoint.

In Defense Of Superman: Why the World's First Superhero Still Matters

By: Matt Spaulding

By: Matt Spaulding

I've been thinking a lot about Superman lately. Generally I don't think much about The Man of Steel, I'm a Batman guy. But more and more lately I've been giving thought to Superman and what he means, what his place is in the world, and why people should still care.

Superman doesn't get the love he deserves. He certainly used to (the success of Superman the Movie and Superman II certainly prove that) but not any more. As a society, we've become "too cool" for the man in blue and red. He's old fashioned. He's too morally straight. He's too good. We want relatable. We want conflict. We want psychological realism.

Except we don't. There was certainly a time when people wanted (and please excuse my use of a tired, gag-inducing phrase) "dark and gritty." But that time has passed (well, mostly.) If the success of the MCU is any indicator, people are more interested in heroes who just do good. The time of the antihero is pretty much gone. Look at Captain America. He's certainly not a grim hero. He's a guy who stands up and does what's right no matter what. He's a down-home American boy.

So why doesn't the same apply for Superman? Why, when people are ready to stand up and cheer for Captain America are they ready to shoot down Superman as "too good"? What's wrong with The Big Blue Boy Scout? 

There was a time when I thought the same things about Superman. A little personal information: I'm an atheist and a skeptic. I battle depression. I'm quick to get hot under the collar. All these traits led me down a path for a time when I was like "oh, Superman, what a goody goody. No one wants a hero who just does the right thing all the time. That's not realistic. Give me Batman. Give me Green Lantern. Give me Spider-Man. At least these guys make poor choices and do questionable things like real people do!" And, at the time, the world seemed to agree with me. 

But I've gotten older. I become more and more compassionate for all my fellow people every day. I want more people to do the right thing, to treat each other better. And the world has changed right along with me. We've watched war go on and on and on without end since September of 2001. We've become more and more aware of the corrupt nature of politics, the economic inequality of the American people. the continued existence of racism, sexism and homophobia in our culture. In short, the world is full enough of morally ambiguous people doing morally ambiguous things. We're ready for heroes. Real heroes.

And that's where Superman, the most overlooked of the real heroes comes in. My very first thought after the tragic terrorist attack in Paris a couple weeks ago was "damn, we really need Superman right now." And I still stand by it. In Man of Steel it was established that the "S" stood for hope. And we sure need a lot more hope in this world. 

On top of hope, we need a symbol of what is right and just. Right now, our government, as well as others, continue to engage in very questionable tactics to "bring justice" for the horrible things that have happened. And while I don't want to turn this article into a political argument, I must say that I don't think "justice" is bombing entire villages of people to retaliate against a select few people. Enough innocent people have already died in this world. Justice isn't killing more of them. And Superman would agree. Superman doesn't believe in collateral damage. The world needs to look to the example of Superman to do the right thing. 

Another argument against Superman is "he's too powerful." Well, on this, I often tend to agree. Historically, Superman has been given more and more power since his creation, to the point he did become quite ridiculous for a long time. But perhaps it's time you revisited Superman. In the New 52, he has been dramatically powered down so that he more closely resembles his original incarnation 75 years ago. Sure, he's strong, but he's not completely invulnerable (in one issue, he was taken out for quite a time by a crashing train). And of course he can still fly and use heat vision. But, overall, he's been treated in a much more....ummm...less powerful way is the only way I can think of to describe it. 

I've also often heard it stated that Superman isn't a real hero because he knows he can't be hurt or defeated, so going in to those dangerous situations doesn't make him a hero because he has nothing to worry about.. Wrong. That argument confuses "heroism" with "bravery." I wouldn't argue you that Superman isn't brave. By definition, bravery is doing something good for someone else despite being afraid for your own safety. Superman certainly needn't worry about his own safety. But that doesn't make him not a hero. A hero is simply someone who does the right thing, someone who saves the day. And THAT, Superman certainly does.

If you've made it this far still thinking you want a little conflict in your character, a little "emotional realism," fine. I don't blame you. It makes sense. Everyone has more than one level. Even Superman. Consider the great tragedy of Superman, one that has often been explored in comics: despite all he can do, all his great power Superman still can't save everyone that needs saving. He wants to, he really does, but it is just impossible. Superman still has to regularly make life and death choices. While he's busy saving people from a tsunami in Japan, there are people in Colorado dying in a mudslide. While he's stopping the eruption of a volcano in Hawaii, there are people being bombed in Baghdad. I've seen the argument over and over again that, because of all his powers, everything is "too easy" for Superman. Making those decisions doesn't seem easy to me. Can you imagine the burden this would put on you if you had to decide who to save? Superman can, and it tears him up inside.

Let's also not forget that Superman is a very loving person. He cares deeply about those closest to him. That leaves him, like every other hero, vulnerable to attacks on his personal life.

It's time to embrace Superman again. The world is harsh enough without our heroes being harsh right along with it. Superman is the best of us. Despite being from Krypton, he's the most human person in fiction. His compassion and his incredibly straight moral compass may strike you as old fashioned and lame, but I submit to you that they are the very reasons he's the most relevant hero in all fiction. If everyone tried to be a little more like Superman, the world would be a much better place for it. 

The Great Divide

Too many people let a simple thing like Company Brand dictate what they enjoy. As I sit here and write this, there’s two Marvel films in theaters. Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man are in a theater somewhere in this country. ANT-MAN has been made into a movie. Never in my wildest youth imagination would I have predicted that there would be a film based on the comic book character Ant-Man. Yes, I’m astonished, and I’m elated! I was NEVER a fan of Ant-Man in the comics. Hell, I was never a fan of Iron Man or Captain America either, and yet I’ve enjoyed both of their films and now have a greater enjoyment for their characters in the books. But I grew up loving X-Men…and Batman! Gasp! ‘He’s with that other company, not with the wonderful Marvel, how dare you sir!’ I know, it’s crazy. I love both companies' characters and stories. And my question I pose today…why don’t you?

Review: Ant-Man

Review: Ant-Man

You've seen one Marvel film, you've seen them all...right? I've heard a LOT of negativity going into the production of Ant-Man. Fans of Edgar Wright will likely hate everything about the movie going in because he left the production and they're die hard Edgar Wright fans. Casual fans of the Marvel universe might not care about a movie called Ant-Man. Really? He has the powers of ants? He can control ants? He's the size of the ant? Yet, we're all amped up at the prospect of a movie called Spider-Man. Whether you are interested in this film or not, one thing you can say is that Marvel doesn't fail often with their films. I was heavily interested in this film, mostly due to Paul Rudd's involvement. I'm a big fan of Paul Rudd, since his Clueless days, so I was feeling pretty good about the entertainment value of this film, so let's dig in!

Decisions of A Geek Dad

Decisions of The Geek Dad

My life as a geek is a simple one. When there is a show or movie that I am interested in, I watch it. My life as a geek father is much more complicated. In all honesty, I do make it a bit more difficult by being fairly strict about the things I allow my children to watch. Then there are my personal geek preferences: Star Trek over Star Wars, DC over Marvel, Green Lantern over…everyone. As my son gets older, I am realizing that this is going to be more difficult than I thought it would be? How do I raise a young geek to have his own interests and not just imitating me? How do I expose him to all the wonders of the geekdom while keeping in mind age appropriateness?  How do I keep him from ever being interested in things like Twilight!?

Civil War Cast & Premise

Marvel Studios Releases 'Civil War' Cast & Synopsis!

As production begins for Captain America: Civil WarMarvel Studios has released a statement announcing the cast and the premise for the upcoming film:

'Avengers: Age of Ultron' 1st Trailer

So, Marvel "accidentally" leaked the Age of Ultron trailer today, and blamed it on Hydra. Nice. Watch for yourselves, I'm speechless. I can't wait to see this movie, and I think it's going to top Avengers as the biggest comic book movie ever...for now.

RDJ to Join Cap 3

Robert Downey Jr. Set To Join 'Captain America 3'

Earlier today Marvel announced a large Civil War event to take place in the Marvel Comic Book Universe in 2015, now Variety is reporting that we'll see some Civil War action taking place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well. Robert Downey Jr. is in talks to join Chris Evans in 'Captain America 3' which will be directed by the Russo Brothers and is set for a May 6th 2016 release. The third film in the Cap series is set to follow 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' (May 1st 2015) and 'Ant-Man' (July 17th 2015.)

Ongoing: Thor #1

Ongoing: Thor #1

A few months ago it was announced that Marvel would be replacing the Thor we've known for so long, with a new version...a new female version. This news caused waves in the fanboy comic loving world. We've seen changes to our favorite comic book characters before (see my story about the new Wally West). This change seemed to have come from nowhere, but it wasn't alone. We also found out that we'd be seeing a new Captain America soon in the form of Falcon taking over for Steve Rogers. Well, the time for change has come as Thor #1 has hit shelves this week.

'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Synopsis Revealed!

Something official from Disney has been released regarding the highly anticipated sequel to the 'Avengers' which was a record breaking hit. 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' is still a few months from being released, and we haven't seen a trailer yet (Unless you were at SDCC this year) but finally an official synopsis was released earlier today.

Marvel SDCC Panel

Marvel Studios Panel at SDCC

The evening began with a very long montage video of all the films, heroes, villains including Guardians of the Galaxy and a great look at Thanos. Kevin Feige came out and said they're focusing on 2015, which means Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-man which they began with.