Han Solo


Growing Up On Earth 2

I’m a white American male. About as typical as they come. As a white American male, I haven’t had to traverse the inherit hurdles that a lot of my culturally diverse peers have. Also, the world of American entertainment seemingly caters to my needs. Growing up I didn’t have to search high and low for a hero who looked like me. However, when I think back I don’t remember seeing my favorite heroes in this light. I didn’t see Batman as a white male hero. I saw him as the super detective protector of the innocent. He fought crime so that no other child would end up watching their parents murdered in front of their eyes. He punched faces in the name of honor and justice. I saw him that way and no way else because I didn’t have to try to see him in another way. As a boy, the television, the movie screen, the video games, and the comic books made the protagonists in my image. I didn’t know any other way, until I grew up.


The Battle of Mary Sue & Marty Stu

In geek culture, the term “just another Mary Sue” is thrown around on a daily basis. When I first heard the term it was as an insult. This made me curious to figure out “who the heck is Mary Sue”.


Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILER FREE)

We've waited a long time for this day. Finally a new entry into the Star Wars saga that could be completely unpredictable. We've had the prequels and we knew going into them what the outcome would be. SPOILERS for the prequels: Anakin would turn into Darth Vader. Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda would survive. The Skywalker babies (Luke and Leia) would be separated at birth. The surprise and thrill of something new was kinda of taken away. Sure we were introduced to new and annoying characters, but the guessing game of "who is this" and "how important are they" were removed before we took our seat in the crowded theater. We've felt the disappointment for a few years and now, finally, we were ready to come home with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

New 'Star Wars: Force Awakens' Footage

During Thursday's ABC Prime Time line-up we were given a treat of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens footage!

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' International Trailer Debuts!

Well, we thought THIS would be the final trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but BEHOLD, now we have a new International trailer with brand spankin' new footage...lots of it! 

New SW Ep. 7 Trailer!

All New 'The Force Awakens' Trailer!

Yesterday we got a great look at the newest poster in the long line of excellent Star Wars posters (You can see it below). Today, we finally got a new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens during, of all things, Monday Night Football.

Possible 'Star Wars: Episode VII' Villain News

Seems like Latino Review has scooped some news about the plot of Star Wars: Episode VII. Its dealing mostly with the identity of the villains of at least the first installment of this new trilogy. Beware, if they're correct, this could be spoilery but for now I'm taking this news as strictly a rumor.