

Final Trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is Here!

Not only do we get a brand spanking new trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker with tons of new footage to pick apart for weeks but we can all now purchase tickets to see the flick on opening weekend! With all that out of the way, let’s get into this trailer! Watch and be amazed, then watch it again and again and again!


The First Episode VIII Trailer Arrives!

It would appear everybody on the internet is sharing the same single thought: “It’s Finally Here”. During this year’s Star Wars Celebration event in Orlando, Florida, the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released to the masses. The heart drops, the shivers, and literal goosebumps were all intact for each of my viewings of the trailer (yes, there were many) and now, more than ever, I am absolutely psyched for December.


The Lady-Hero is Here To Stay

When it was announced that Star Wars: The Force Awakens would feature a predominant female lead, there was a huge outcry of upset fans claiming this was merely pandering to the feminazi’s of the world. What followed was unprecedented success for the character of Rey, and a slew of new films featuring female superheroes, role models, scientists, and even fish. Similar hatred was spewed when the Ghostbusters reboot and Rogue One were announced, but the people have spoken. The top 2 grossing films of 2016 (Finding DoryRogue One)* were centered on stories of girls; their struggles, their coming of age, and their realization of the power of their voices. Regardless of any opinion to the contrary, the female hero is here to stay, and let me just say, it’s about damn time. 


The Battle of Mary Sue & Marty Stu

In geek culture, the term “just another Mary Sue” is thrown around on a daily basis. When I first heard the term it was as an insult. This made me curious to figure out “who the heck is Mary Sue”.


Lucasfilm Gives Backstory To Popular Stormtrooper!

In an emotional and action packed scene from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we're introduced to a stormtrooper armed with an electrified baton who faces off with Finn. His emotionally charged "TRAITOR!" scream is well remembered by fans of the film. There's been a lot of speculation surrounding this character and his emotional tie to Finn. Was he just a spurned soldier, offended by Finn's actions or was there a deeper connection? It also seemed that the First Order trooper who streaked his own blood across Finn's helmet had a deeper connection to him as well right? I mean, it sort of started Finn down his "awakening" into turning on the First Order. Speculate no further!


Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILER FREE)

We've waited a long time for this day. Finally a new entry into the Star Wars saga that could be completely unpredictable. We've had the prequels and we knew going into them what the outcome would be. SPOILERS for the prequels: Anakin would turn into Darth Vader. Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda would survive. The Skywalker babies (Luke and Leia) would be separated at birth. The surprise and thrill of something new was kinda of taken away. Sure we were introduced to new and annoying characters, but the guessing game of "who is this" and "how important are they" were removed before we took our seat in the crowded theater. We've felt the disappointment for a few years and now, finally, we were ready to come home with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

New 'Star Wars: Force Awakens' Footage

During Thursday's ABC Prime Time line-up we were given a treat of new Star Wars: The Force Awakens footage!

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' International Trailer Debuts!

Well, we thought THIS would be the final trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but BEHOLD, now we have a new International trailer with brand spankin' new footage...lots of it! 

New SW Ep. 7 Trailer!

All New 'The Force Awakens' Trailer!

Yesterday we got a great look at the newest poster in the long line of excellent Star Wars posters (You can see it below). Today, we finally got a new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens during, of all things, Monday Night Football.

For The Love Of Con

For The Love Of Con

I fell into the convention circuit back in 2009. At that time in my life I was obsessed with the Sookie Steakhouse books and HBO’s True Blood Series. I met all sorts of cool fans during that time, some of them became my dearest friends. I was welcomed whole heartedly and this was my launching pad to the fan world. 2009 was the first year I attended the San Diego Comic Con. I had heard of it, but knew very little at that time. Luckily a friend had extra passes to share. (I don’t think he realized the con monster he was about to create)