

Review: Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 has hit the theaters this weekend. Now that the majority of us have settled down after going through the emotional process that was Avengers: Infinity War, it's time to see how super hero films can keep the momentum going. And, although Deadpool is not part of the MCU, it still has to keep pace with the other super hero films to stay afloat. But how will the Rated-R follow up to the amazingly received Merc With The Mouth solo film stack up?


Disney Buys 20th Century Fox

It has happened guys! The impossible has become possible. Over the course of the past week, Disney and Fox have been in talks to hand over all 21st Century Fox film rights to Disney, and Thursday (Dec. 14th), they have come to an agreement, and it only took a deal of $52 billion to make it happen!


Official Domino And Cable Photos Released!

Through the combined efforts of Ryan Reynolds and 20th Century Fox bravely pressing the 'Enter' key, we have our first official looks at Domino and Cable from the upcoming Deadpool sequel.


Deadpool 2 Casts Cable!

We've been waiting for this news since we heard that Cable would be debuting in the sequel to the super successful Deadpool film. Names were bandied about for months up on months. Brad Pitt, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe, Kyle Chandler, and many more were up for the role. Today we've discovered that Josh Brolin will portray Nathan Summers aka Cable in Deadpool 2!


The Lady-Hero is Here To Stay

When it was announced that Star Wars: The Force Awakens would feature a predominant female lead, there was a huge outcry of upset fans claiming this was merely pandering to the feminazi’s of the world. What followed was unprecedented success for the character of Rey, and a slew of new films featuring female superheroes, role models, scientists, and even fish. Similar hatred was spewed when the Ghostbusters reboot and Rogue One were announced, but the people have spoken. The top 2 grossing films of 2016 (Finding DoryRogue One)* were centered on stories of girls; their struggles, their coming of age, and their realization of the power of their voices. Regardless of any opinion to the contrary, the female hero is here to stay, and let me just say, it’s about damn time. 


X-Men Film Review: Part Five

We have now reached the end of our journey. If you are reading this and have not read the other ones, I strongly suggest that you go back and read the other four just so you can get a good idea of how I've progressed while writing these.


X-Men Film Review: Part 3

Well, it has come to this part. What is considered to be the worst film in the X-Men franchise. If you have not been keeping up with my other reviews, go check out Part 1 and Part 2. This one will probably focus more on the flaws than the actually story, as there really isn't much of a story. Most of this will be the differences between the comics and the films. 


X-Men Film Review: Part Two

If you are just joining us and you haven't read my first review, click here. It explains everything as we wait to see "X-Men: Apocalypse". This review is more going to try to explain the back story than the last one. Now, let's continue on!!


X-Men Film Review: Part One

As we keep chugging along on our adventure through all sorts of comic movies, it's always nice to take a look back at time when we didn't really think that was going to be a real possibility. I mean, we had a few here and there; Marc Goldblatt's "The Punisher" in 1989 with Dolph Lundgren, Todd McFarlene's "Spawn" came to life on the screen in 1997, and even Marvel's "Blade" started it's three film run in 1998.


New Trailer For 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Released!

Today we get yet another look at the upcoming finale of the latest trilogy of X-Men films, X-Men: Apocalypse! Before they released the trailer, we did get our first glimpse at a previously unannounced character. Check it out!


Review: Deadpool

Going into the theater to see the Merc With a Mouth's first live action solo feature film, I had few expectations. I'm a fan of Ryan Reynolds' comedy work. I knew that this film would be much more adult than all the previous comic book films we've seen in the past. I knew we'd be getting a closer adaptation of Deadpool from the comics than we got in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. My concern was...does it need to be rated R for Deadpool to work?

The Great Divide

Too many people let a simple thing like Company Brand dictate what they enjoy. As I sit here and write this, there’s two Marvel films in theaters. Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man are in a theater somewhere in this country. ANT-MAN has been made into a movie. Never in my wildest youth imagination would I have predicted that there would be a film based on the comic book character Ant-Man. Yes, I’m astonished, and I’m elated! I was NEVER a fan of Ant-Man in the comics. Hell, I was never a fan of Iron Man or Captain America either, and yet I’ve enjoyed both of their films and now have a greater enjoyment for their characters in the books. But I grew up loving X-Men…and Batman! Gasp! ‘He’s with that other company, not with the wonderful Marvel, how dare you sir!’ I know, it’s crazy. I love both companies' characters and stories. And my question I pose today…why don’t you?

Gambit Director

Rupert Wyatt To Direct Gambit Film

The upcoming 20th Century Fox film Gambit, starring Channing Tatum as the fan favorite X-Man Remy LeBeau has found it's director. Among the names up for the job were Bennett Miller (Capote, Moneyball, Foxcatcher) and Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler, The Fighter, Black Swan), but the job goes to Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the ApesThe Gambler). 

Psylocke Casting!

X-Men: Apocalypse Casts Psylocke!

With pre-production ramping up for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse, we're getting news nearly every week. Today we found out via Singer's twitter account that Betsy Braddock aka Psylocke had been cast for the film. Olivia Munn officially joins the already huge cast of mutants for Singer's third installment into this series of X-Men films.

Channing Tatum Officially Cast as Gambit

Big day today for comic book and movie fans alike. Current X-Men film producer Lauren Shuler released official confirmation today that Channing Tatum will be playing Remy LeBeau a.k.a Gambit in future X-Men movies. There had been rumors that this was happening for quite some time but today it has finally become official. Gambit had previously been portrayed by Taylor Kitsch in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. What are your thoughts towards Tatum playing the highly popular X-Men character we all know and love? Sound off and let us know what you think!

Comic Book Movie Dream Team

So, we've seen the X-Men and the Avengers on the big screen. We have every notion that we'll eventually see a Justice League in a feature film. Movie executives and Studios and directors get to choose which mutants and which members of our favorite teams we get to see but now Atomic Geekdom is letting you write the script. We want to know who you would choose to be in a future X-Men, Avengers, and Justice League film. We'll tell you our choices, go in depth on those choices on our next podcast (April 29th release, recording on Friday, April 25th) and we'll also read your choices as well.

My Comic Book Biography

As we’ve just started this site, I thought it might be a good idea to give you guys some insight into how my Comic Book Geekdom all started. Once I’ve finished rambling coherently (I hope), the plan is for you all to share some of these things as well and we can begin our Atomic Geekdom Community. This place is designed for you all to give your opinions on everything we talk about.