Betsy Braddock

EW Pics of X-Men Apoc

First Look Photos From X-Men: Apocalypse

As the dust settles from the amazing showing that FOX/Marvel Studios had at this year's SDCC, we're getting more and more information from our favorite shows and upcoming films. One of those films being Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse which had a huge panel of actors at Comic Con. Today we were given a bevy of photos (curtesy of that showcase the new additions to the X-Men cast including, Apocalypse, Psylocke, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Jean Grey.

Psylocke Casting!

X-Men: Apocalypse Casts Psylocke!

With pre-production ramping up for Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse, we're getting news nearly every week. Today we found out via Singer's twitter account that Betsy Braddock aka Psylocke had been cast for the film. Olivia Munn officially joins the already huge cast of mutants for Singer's third installment into this series of X-Men films.