William Stryker


X-Men Film Review: Part Two

If you are just joining us and you haven't read my first review, click here. It explains everything as we wait to see "X-Men: Apocalypse". This review is more going to try to explain the back story than the last one. Now, let's continue on!!

EW Pics of X-Men Apoc

First Look Photos From X-Men: Apocalypse

As the dust settles from the amazing showing that FOX/Marvel Studios had at this year's SDCC, we're getting more and more information from our favorite shows and upcoming films. One of those films being Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse which had a huge panel of actors at Comic Con. Today we were given a bevy of photos (curtesy of EW.com) that showcase the new additions to the X-Men cast including, Apocalypse, Psylocke, Cyclops, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Jean Grey.