Deadpool 2 has hit the theaters this weekend. Now that the majority of us have settled down after going through the emotional process that was Avengers: Infinity War, it's time to see how super hero films can keep the momentum going. And, although Deadpool is not part of the MCU, it still has to keep pace with the other super hero films to stay afloat. But how will the Rated-R follow up to the amazingly received Merc With The Mouth solo film stack up?
With all the excitement and fervor over last week's Avengers: Infinity War trailer release and the subsequent record breaking ticket presales, it makes sense for studios to want to glomb onto that buzz. And why not keep it within the Marvel family? Marvel Studios and 20th Century Fox released a brand new trailer for Deadpool 2 that gives us a much larger glimpse into what we can expect from the fourth wall breaking Merc with a Mouth.
Through the combined efforts of Ryan Reynolds and 20th Century Fox bravely pressing the 'Enter' key, we have our first official looks at Domino and Cable from the upcoming Deadpool sequel.
We've been waiting for this news since we heard that Cable would be debuting in the sequel to the super successful Deadpool film. Names were bandied about for months up on months. Brad Pitt, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe, Kyle Chandler, and many more were up for the role. Today we've discovered that Josh Brolin will portray Nathan Summers aka Cable in Deadpool 2!
I was lucky enough to be invited to a special screening of the upcoming Lionsgate film Sicario. Going into the movie, I had some high expectations as the trailers mention, the movie has been getting rave reviews by critics nationwide. It has a stellar cast with Josh Brolin, Beinicio del Toro, and Emily Blunt leading the way. So, I expected a lot from this crime thriller about the Drug War on the U.S. and Mexico boarder...and I wasn't disappointed.
Marvel has been destroying the box office with its series of films in a connected universe. We've seen the big guns, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, and Thor (the male version.) Even the semi-lesser known characters of Nick Fury, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. When the film 'Guardians of the Galaxy' was announced, I was forced to go "huh." I knew about them, but i wasn't nearly as well-versed into their mythology and was wondering why this was on their slate of films to make. Warning, SPOILERS ahead!
It was announced earlier today that Josh Brolin had been cast to voice the role of Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy and we'd all have to assume Avengers: Age of Ultron. We caught a glimpse of Thanos in the credits scene of Avengers and it got the geek world buzzing.