Another Comic-Con day and more Comic-Con news! And boy what a day. There are a fair amount of trailers to post so I'll try not to blather on too much.
Barry Allen
Injustice 2 Is Justice 2 The Franchise...Get It?
Injustice 2 is out and I have played it extensively. Before I get into what I think of the game let me admit to something...I am not good at fighting games. At least, not these traditional fighting games. So I’m also approaching this game from the standpoint of someone who wants to learn and get better. That being said, let’s get into it!
Atomic Geekdom 101, SUPERHEROES
Savitar 101
Season 3 of The Flash has finally given us our first look at the another villainous speedster, Savitar. But what do you really know about The God of Speed? At the very least you know his name and that’s a start. Well worry not, because I am here to give you some more insight into who this royal jackhole is.
Review: Suicide Squad
“The Worst Heroes Get the Best Reviews: Suicide Squad”
Sometimes studios have the tendency to burn a franchise to the ground. At least for me, the DCEU has all but sizzled out of redeemable qualities. I have been burned-out by the darkest films to ever see red and blue tights, and burned by a director who let his vision sacrifice the meaning behind the characters I love. Because of this tone, the next installment of the DCEU has worried me for a while. Would it be too over the top? Would it have too much responsibility on it to ameliorate the franchise and correct the mistakes of it’s predecessors? Would it suffer from trying way too hard to be Guardians or Deadpool-esque? Sitting in the theatre, finally seeing Suicide Squad, it is relieving to be able to say that it’s becoming a bit easier to breath in the DC universe.
The Flash Season 3 Trailer and Info
WB Drops Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League Trailers!
What the Return of Wally West Means to Me
I have no idea at what point in my life I was introduced to The Flash. I don’t how old I was, if it was from a comic, a show, a conversation or even which Flash I knew about first. Best guess, it was a passing glance of the ‘90s TV show on CBS starring John Wesley Shipp. And whatever it was, however I found out about him, the character consumed me. Suddenly I ate, slept, breathed and farted The Flash and super speed. I would argue to death that there’s no way a lame-o hero like Superman could beat The Flash in a race…The Flash’s whole power set is speed! I don’t think I picked up a comic until I was in my late teens but when I did, I started with The Flash. And the only Flash I had ever known was Wally West.
Review: The Flash - "The Race of His Life"
Review: The Flash - "Invincible"
Review: The Flash - "Versus Zoom"
Review: Supergirl - "Worlds Finest"
Clips Previewing The Flash and Supergirl Crossover!
Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
There isn't a movie out there that I've been waiting to see more than Batman v Superman. To have not just Batman and Superman on the screen at the same time but introducing Wonder Woman to the live action movie universe made my Geek spirit soar! Waiting nearly three years to see the movie that was announced at SDCC was like being a kid waiting for Christmas morning to open all those lovely looking wrapped presents. Now, it's finally here! Was the wait worth all the speculating and the premature internet anger? Let's find out! WARNING: Spoilers ahead!
Review: The Flash - "Trajectory"
Trajectory arrived in town intent on creating maximum chaos, Trajectory's antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by The Flash himself. Barry thus must quickly. uncover the mystery of who is the girl under the mask and as well as what is driving her mad desire for speed and destruction.
Review: The Flash - "King Shark"
Review: The Flash - "Escape from Earth-2"
Review: The Flash - "Welcome to Earth-2"
Review: The Flash - "Fast Lane"