Digger Harkness


Review: Suicide Squad

“The Worst Heroes Get the Best Reviews: Suicide Squad”

Sometimes studios have the tendency to burn a franchise to the ground. At least for me, the DCEU has all but sizzled out of redeemable qualities. I have been burned-out by the darkest films to ever see red and blue tights, and burned by a director who let his vision sacrifice the meaning behind the characters I love. Because of this tone, the next installment of the DCEU has worried me for a while. Would it be too over the top? Would it have too much responsibility on it to ameliorate the franchise and correct the mistakes of it’s predecessors? Would it suffer from trying way too hard to be Guardians or Deadpool-esque? Sitting in the theatre, finally seeing Suicide Squad, it is relieving to be able to say that it’s becoming a bit easier to breath in the DC universe.

Capt Boomerang Cast

Captain Boomerang Cast...On 'Arrow!'

Well we were expecting to see the Rogues on 'Flash' eventually and one key member might be joining them soon...but first he'll be seen on 'Arrow.' Nick Tarabay (Star Trek Into Darkness, Spartacus) will portray Digger Harkness aka Captain Boomerang. He'll make his debut in the seventh episode of the season and then continue into the eighth episode which we know will be the crossover event episode with 'The Flash.'