Bruce Wayne


Casting Riddles Solved for 'The Batman'

Once it was announced that Matt Reeves would be taking a stab at directing and writing the next entry into the vast catalog of Batman films, it was only a matter of time before we started getting production news. Over the last few months, we’ve learned the identity of the next man to take on the cape and cowl. Within the last few days, we’ve also discovered who will be running the streets of Gotham alongside the Caped Crusader. Let’s look at what we know about the Matt Reeves led film, The Batman.


Anti-Review: Catwoman

Pouncing straight off the pages of DC is comic book history’s most popular and sexy burglar. Catwoman revolutionized the game by playing both a foil and a love interest to DC’s most overrated character, Batman.


SDCC 2017 / Day 3 Wrap-Up

Another Comic-Con day and more Comic-Con news! And boy what a day. There are a fair amount of trailers to post so I'll try not to blather on too much.


Injustice 2 Is Justice 2 The Franchise...Get It?

Injustice 2 is out and I have played it extensively. Before I get into what I think of the game let me admit to something...I am not good at fighting games. At least, not these traditional fighting games. So I’m also approaching this game from the standpoint of someone who wants to learn and get better. That being said, let’s get into it!


Review: The Lego Batman Movie

Randy's review of The Lego Batman Movie has arrived!


Review: Suicide Squad

“The Worst Heroes Get the Best Reviews: Suicide Squad”

Sometimes studios have the tendency to burn a franchise to the ground. At least for me, the DCEU has all but sizzled out of redeemable qualities. I have been burned-out by the darkest films to ever see red and blue tights, and burned by a director who let his vision sacrifice the meaning behind the characters I love. Because of this tone, the next installment of the DCEU has worried me for a while. Would it be too over the top? Would it have too much responsibility on it to ameliorate the franchise and correct the mistakes of it’s predecessors? Would it suffer from trying way too hard to be Guardians or Deadpool-esque? Sitting in the theatre, finally seeing Suicide Squad, it is relieving to be able to say that it’s becoming a bit easier to breath in the DC universe.


WB Drops Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Justice League Trailers!

SDCC and WB bring it hard in a new trailer for Suicide Squad and our the first trailers for Wonder Woman and Justice League!


What the Return of Wally West Means to Me

I have no idea at what point in my life I was introduced to The Flash. I don’t how old I was, if it was from a comic, a show, a conversation or even which Flash I knew about first. Best guess, it was a passing glance of the ‘90s TV show on CBS starring John Wesley Shipp. And whatever it was, however I found out about him, the character consumed me. Suddenly I ate, slept, breathed and farted The Flash and super speed. I would argue to death that there’s no way a lame-o hero like Superman could beat The Flash in a race…The Flash’s whole power set is speed! I don’t think I picked up a comic until I was in my late teens but when I did, I started with The Flash. And the only Flash I had ever known was Wally West.


Trailer For 'Batman: The Killing Joke' Is Here!

It was announced at SDCC that we'd be getting an animated adaption of the Alan Moore and Brian Bolland graphic novel, The Killing Joke. Recently we found out that the film would be rated "R", making it the first DC Universe Original property with such a rating. Now we get our first trailer! Check it out below:


Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

There isn't a movie out there that I've been waiting to see more than Batman v Superman. To have not just Batman and Superman on the screen at the same time but introducing Wonder Woman to the live action movie universe made my Geek spirit soar! Waiting nearly three years to see the movie that was announced at SDCC was like being a kid waiting for Christmas morning to open all those lovely looking wrapped presents. Now, it's finally here! Was the wait worth all the speculating and the premature internet anger? Let's find out! WARNING: Spoilers ahead!


Reasons To Fly Gotham City and Metropolis

The Super Bowl spots are flying left and right. Before the game, however, Turkish Airlines aired two separate ads advertising that they fly to both Gotham City and Metropolis, giving you ample reasons why you should visit these cities. Check them out below!

'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Trailer!

Hot on the heels of the release of a sneak peak teaser for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice which debuted during Monday's Fall Finale of Gotham, we were promised a new trailer during Jimmy Kimmel Live.

BvS Sneak Peak!

'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Sneak Peak

During tonight's Fall finale of Fox's Gotham (I've loved season two so far), we were given an all new sneak peak at the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I know the first instinct of most fans is to start comparing this to the new teaser we got last week for Captain America: Civil War. Let's calm down. Let's just enjoy what we got from both studios and have some fun talking about it, how's that?

The Case For Gotham

Since it’s debut back on September 22nd, 2014, Gotham has been met with some harsh criticism from the most hardcore of Batfans. A lot of the hatred comes from people not liking the show’s creative take on the origins of some of our favorite characters from the Batfamily and their villains. Personally, I think they’re missing the point. In my humble opinion, this show does NOT serve as an origin to Batman, or even to Commissioner James Gordon. This show is an alternative look at the origins of Gotham City itself, and those that would inhabits it’s dangerous streets.

Batman v Superman Photos!

Thanks to, we've got some new photos from the upcoming mega movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The pictures show the trinity of heroes (Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman) as well as a good look at Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Take a look!

Decisions of A Geek Dad

Decisions of The Geek Dad

My life as a geek is a simple one. When there is a show or movie that I am interested in, I watch it. My life as a geek father is much more complicated. In all honesty, I do make it a bit more difficult by being fairly strict about the things I allow my children to watch. Then there are my personal geek preferences: Star Trek over Star Wars, DC over Marvel, Green Lantern over…everyone. As my son gets older, I am realizing that this is going to be more difficult than I thought it would be? How do I raise a young geek to have his own interests and not just imitating me? How do I expose him to all the wonders of the geekdom while keeping in mind age appropriateness?  How do I keep him from ever being interested in things like Twilight!?

Official Synopsis For 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice'

After months upon months of speculation, Warner Bros has finally released the official synopsis for the upcoming mega movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice IMAX Trailer Event!

Last week, before the trailer emerged online in a cellphone footage, pirated fashion, we were told by Zack Snyder himself that there would be a huge preview event to see the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer before it hit the internet in grand IMAX fashion.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer!

Zack Snyder announced a few days ago that the trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice would be released in select IMAX theaters on Monday. In less than 24 hours someone leaked some horrible quality footage of that trailer. Many sites reported on, giving details of what was in the trailer. I'm not sure if this is why Snyder would then release the trailer early...but who cares! Here it is in full HD quality!

Cavill On Set

Henry Cavill Filming On Location For 'Batman v Superman'

Thanks again to @FlashCWFans for the following on set photos from the filming of 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.' The photos show Henry Cavill as Clark Kent filming near some building. Nothing groundbreaking, but just some candid on set shots. Enjoy!