It's been ten years in the making and it has taken 18 films to reach the pinnacle of what will be the biggest game-changer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After only showing up briefly throughout the films (Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, & Avengers: Age of Ultron), Thanos has taken center stage with the Black Order as they reign chaos in Avengers: Infinity War. I will be giving a brief non-spoiler review, and then diving in to go over some of the best (and very spoiler-filled) moments.
Ever since they announced that the film was being pushed up a week to April 27th, we all have been asking the same question; Is there going to be a second trailer? We are a little over a month away and all we have is that one teaser trailer three months ago.
I just got out of seeing "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" and I have things to tell you. I overall enjoyed the film, but I did have some small issues. Nothing that really ruined the film, but just felt off or out of place.
For those of you who have read my bio on the site, you may already know that I am a Christian. I made the decision to accept Jesus as my savior in middle school and since then everything that I experience is viewed through the lens of God`s Word, the Bible. As a huge fan of all things that reside in the Geekdom, I also view those things through that same lens. Quite often, I will read a comic book or watch a movie and see a strong biblical message within. The reality is that many of the attributes that we love about our heroes/villains and situations they get into can be found in the Bible. For example, we like our heroes to be honest, bold, and courageous. The Bible encourages all of us to be those things, not just those of us that are "super". That is what this regular article will focus on, the biblical ideas and lessons that I see within my favorite comics, TV shows, and movies. I would love to write an article on anything that you guys suggest I read or watch. now you've likely seen this on the internet or if you've actually seen the film already. I was debating posting this since it's everywhere and not really news worthy but I figured that if nothing else, it'll make ya smile. There's a bit of spoilerish material in the clip, but nothing that would ruin the film for anyone. So....enjoy!
Marvel has been destroying the box office with its series of films in a connected universe. We've seen the big guns, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, and Thor (the male version.) Even the semi-lesser known characters of Nick Fury, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. When the film 'Guardians of the Galaxy' was announced, I was forced to go "huh." I knew about them, but i wasn't nearly as well-versed into their mythology and was wondering why this was on their slate of films to make. Warning, SPOILERS ahead!