Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Official Trailer

*obligatory “Life finds a way” quote* It’s here you guys! The new trailer for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom has been released by Universal and you can check it out below:

When the island’s dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event. Owen is driven to find Blue, his lead raptor who’s still missing in the wild, and Claire has grown a respect for these creatures she now makes her mission. Arriving on the unstable island as lava begins raining down, their expedition uncovers a conspiracy that could return our entire planet to a perilous order not seen since prehistoric times.

But that’s not why you stopped by, is it? You clicked to read what ol’ Johnny has to say about this trailer, didn’t you? Well you shouldn’t care what I think, I’m not some golden idol for you to fawn over. I’m just a man. A man who, very happily, loved this trailer!

Let’s get something out of the way first, the buildup to this trailer was fun but flawed. Universal was really building up the hype. They clearly knew how much people were anticipating this trailer and used that to build momentum. The end result was slightly disappointing if you bought into all of it. It was just a normal trailer for a movie. It wasn’t epic in scale or the culmination of everything we’ve seen before. It was just a fun look at what’s in store. Which isn’t bad at all, unless you expected it to be the trailer to beat all trailers.

If you like to see different types of dinosaurs, this movie appears chalk full of them. Each time I watched the trailer, and I’ve rewatched it a lot, I spotted a new species I didn’t notice the last time. That alone makes the trailer worth repeat viewings! I’m talking Ankylosaurus. I’m talking Stegosaurus. I’m talking ‘bout that Baryonyx! That Carnotaurus! So many dinos to be excited about! And the trailer does reach that “whoa!” mark when the T. rex shows up. That roar!

According to Colin Trevorrow, director of the previous film and co-writer of this one said that the footage is from the first 57 minutes so we're not seeing too much! Also, did anyone else notice a distinct lack of "uhs" from Jeff Goldblum? Overall it’s an awesome first look at a movie I’m really pumped to see!