The Binge Watch: Doctor Who - Series 1

In order to decide my next show for my Binge Watch column I took to Twitter. I asked you all to decide for me and it was an extremely close race between Doctor Who and Supernatural. In the end Doctor Who won out, but since it was so close, after I finish all the seasons of Doctor Who, I will move on to all ten released seasons of Supernatural. I will at that point, go to Twitter to decide the next series I watch and review! Without further delay, here's my review of Doctor Who Season One!

Doctor Who Teaser

The Twelfth Doctor is Coming...

In case you missed it, the dearly beloved Matt Smith has departed as the Eleventh Doctor. Taking his place is Peter Capaldi and we couldn't be more excited to see what he does with this iconic role. Joining him as his companion is Clara Oswald, played be the lovely and talented Jenna Coleman. This week, BBC One released this little teaser to get our motors running.