The Dark Tower


Anti-Review: The Dark Tower

Every once in awhile a movie based on a book hits theaters and blows critics and fans away. These are rare occurrences as most films based on books are flops. Just look at The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Silence of the Lambs and The Godfather. All films based on works of print that failed to live up to the source material. Then out of nowhere we are graced with the likes of Eragon, The Golden Compass and The Giver that take the source material and elevate it to unforeseen heights. We can now add The Dark Tower to this list of cinematic achievements.


The First Trailer For "The Dark Tower" Disappoints This "Dark Tower" Fan.

I have loved Stephen King's epic "Dark Tower" series for many years. It's an incredible story that spans seven books (eight, if you count the later addition "The Wind Through the Keyhole" which takes place between books 4 and 5) and 1.3 million words. So when I heard that the series was set to be adapted to film, I was skeptical, but remained open-minded thinking that, if the Harry Potter film series could do justice to those books, a series of Dark Tower films might be able to do the same. I would have preferred a "Game of Thrones" type TV show, but I could live with movies.