By: Dave Clark
There's a movie that was being made called The Cellar. It was later renamed Valencia and later renamed again 10 Cloverfield Lane. Is this a coincidence with the film Cloverfield or is it somehow tied to the found footage movie from 2008? Turns's a sequel...of sorts. The movie stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, John Gallagher, Jr., Mat Vairo, and Maya Erskine and the premise is as follows:
“After a car accident, a young woman comes to in an underground cellar, where most of the action takes place. She fears she has been abducted by a survivalist, who tells her he saved her life and that a chemical attack has left the outside world uninhabitable. Uncertain what to believe, she decides she must escape, whatever dangers she may face outside.”
Hmmm....doesn't sound very Cloverfield-y to me. Unless this survivalist is trying to protect her from the horrors of the aftermath left behind from the Cloverfield monster and it's little parasitic insect-like creatures that were falling from it's body. Cloverfield itself was surrounded with mystery from it's first trailer all the way to it's release on home media. It became a viral marketing sensation on the internet, with little bread crumbs leading us towards clues to the plot and backstory of the creature itself.
The trailer for this movie, which sparked all the interest was released with 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. We don't like posting trailers or footage that aren't officially released by the studios, but this seems awfully in the spirit of a found footage type setting so perhaps this uploader is part of the "game" of the viral marketing of a Cloverfield type movie (though I doubt it). Check it out below!
So the question remains, how is this tied to Cloverfield? How can we be sure that this trailer isn't just some extremely interesting story about a guy holding a girl captive under false pretenses? Well, let's just see what J.J. Abrams had to say:
“The idea came up a long time ago during production. We wanted to make it a blood relative of ‘Cloverfield’. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.
UPDATE #1: Paramount Pictures has officially released the trailer on YouTube along with what looks like a logo for the film. Here's the official trailer:
UPDATE #2: Looks like a possible Twitter Account has been started for the film as well. No signs that it's official just yet, but it's worth keeping tabs on if you're gonna hunt along in the ARG (Alternate Reality Game) that seems to have started!
I'm interested, to say the least. And my search on the internet to find more easter eggs or clues begins now! 10 Cloverfield Lane is set to be released on March 11th.
What do you think? Are you excited for this film? Does it get you all hyped like the original Cloverfield online mystery enthralled me and a few of my friends? Do you even care that Cloverfield even exists in the first place? Sound off in the comments below!