Cabin in the Woods

Top Ten Horror Films Countdown: #3 Cabin in the Woods

Today we bring you our #3 horror movie in our Top Ten Horror Movie Countdown, and we’re pretty excited about it. Cabin in the Woods made our #3 spot, and if you’ve seen the movie you can probably understand why. Cabin in the Woods is the type of horror movie that you just can’t look away from. For those of you horror fans who have still managed to go this long without seeing this movie, you’re missing out.

All Hail Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon told the 2013 Graduating class of Wesleyan University “And so, what I’d like to say to all of you is that you are all going to die." And this is one reason why we have come to love him. No one is safe.

Seventeen Years of Buffy

First there was a movie. It wasn’t great, but it was memorable. I saw the movie on VHS for the first time and thought…meh. It didn’t blow me away, but the reason it was memorable was because of the title. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was intriguing and different. I can’t say I remember the advertising for the film and it wasn’t something I was looking forward to seeing, but I loved the horror and vampire genre so I wanted to see it. It starred Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Reubens, Luke Perry, Hilary Swank, David Arquette, Rutger Hauer and in an un-credited role even Ben Affleck. It didn’t do great and after it was made into a show we found out it wasn’t made with Joss Whedon’s vision in mind. That was the summer of 1992.