Review: Alien: Covenant

Let me preface this review by saying“I liked this movie!” It has plot holes big enough to drive a truck through, but it also has all of the Alien franchise classics


Guillermo del Toro Retrospective

When asked to write an article about a director and how their work has progressed through the years, it was predictable that I would go with Guillermo Del Toro. If you follow Atomic Geekdom, it’s hard not to find me freaking out over something he has done. For years, he has fascinated and captivated my love for film to the utmost. 


Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Trailer!

We were huge fans of the uber-popular Supermassive Games horror game Until Dawn. It was a game I found hard to put down, and one I was able to finish with a weekend easily. It also provided a lot of replay value to see how their story played out when you made a number of different decisions within the game itself. And now...Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is set to be released on October 13th, just in time for Halloween. It's not being described as a sequel but more of a spin-off to the original. Check out the trailer below!


ScareLa 2016!

Halloween in August? 
Count me in!!!

We were found wondering the Pasadena Convention Center over the weekend of August 6-7th.
This was our first time at ScareLA which started back in 2013 as the “first fan convention dedicated to celebrating Halloween”.