By: Johnny Wellens
Don’t hate me...but I disliked this trailer. Look, I am known for being a curmudgeon when it comes to the DCEU. I didn’t choose to not like these films or this universe. I just don’t. It doesn’t interest me, it doesn’t speak to me, it doesn’t leave me wanting more. This universe just leaves me wanting.
Firstly, the problem I had with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is here from the get go. The visual tone. The Justice League is colorful! Flash is bright red, Superman is bright blue, Green Lantern is oh so green. This universe loves it’s blue filter and I hate it. And let me get this out of my system so I don’t passive aggressively sprinkle this throughout...The Flash’s lightning is yellow...not blue! It’s not blue!
I won’t knock the trailer for some of the obvious issues. The CG is wack in a lot of spots, particularly on Cyborg. I forgive it, the movie is not done and plenty of films release trailers with unfinished CG, so I’m not hung up on that.
One of the chief complaints about Batman in BvS is that he killed and used a lot of weaponry. Not gadgets...weapons. And what do we see the Batmobile doing in one of these shots? Mowing down Parademons with 1 million bullets. Does it look cool? Yeah! Will I have a problem with it in the movie? Probably not, I assume Parademons are like ants, they don’t die, they are destroyed. But to show it in the trailer...when so many hated this aspect of Batman’s character in the previous film seems really dumb. he a punk rocker? Is that what they’re doing? Because he doesn’t seem like a King of Atlantis to me. I prefer my Aquaman regal and egotistical. I like my Aquaman looking down on other heroes upon first introduction because he is royalty and they are not. I hated him saying to Batman “I can dig it.” And I hated him screaming “Yeah!” when he was riding on Batman’s car. Ugh.
Is this trailer cool and fun? Yeah! Does it look like it could be a good time? Yeah! Is this what I want from the DCEU? Not at all. My fears are still in tact for this film and the DCEU continues to prove that they do not understand what the DC Universe is all about.
All that being least they didn’t give everything away in this trailer. I’m thankful for that.