Xbox One

Button Mashing: Virtual Boy

When the prospect of a weekly column came about, I sat in silence as the others discussed the endless possibilities of what their columns could be. Brilliant people working together to find topics of discussion that best suited their individual interests, as well as the interests of the masses. As the topic carried on, I sat and thought about my career. Weird, right? The opportunity laid out in front of me to brainstorm great ideas for this site, with talented people, and I’m foolishly pondering my work. It was almost instinctual for me to associate what I do with what I love, and a column was the perfect outlet to express exactly what that means. I guess it’s funny that my mind chose to make that connection, because that’s what prompted me to take to my laptop and paint a verbal picture for you all. I help manage an independently owned video game retailer, and therein lies my column.  

Games With Gold

Games With Gold

Games with Gold is a program that Microsoft started over the summer of 2013 to give two free games a month to digitally download for members of the Xbox live community with a gold membership. Sony has the same program for PlayStation subscribers, but that’s for a different article. The concept of giving out free games seems to be interesting, but when you think about free video games the first thing that comes to mind for the most part is these games are terrible, right? As in the words of famous collegiate football athlete and commentator Lee Corso, “Not so fast, my friend.”