

Marvel and DC Movie Release Cheat Sheet

Due to there being so many rumors about the upcoming slate of comic book movies, I thought a little cheat sheet on the site might be a good idea. I'll update and keep track of all the dates and details for each upcoming movie on both Marvel and DC's side of things.

Warner Bros. Announces DC Films!

With the recent announcement of the Civil War event happening in 'Captain America 3' Warner Bros. were due to make a splash in the comic book movie announcement war. Today at a shareholder meeting, Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara announced the plans for the Justice League film directed by Zack Snyder. He also gave news of a few upcoming films in the works as well.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Cast As Black Adam's official. The Rock has been cast as Black Adam in an upcoming 'Shazam' film. For those unfamiliar with the character, Black Adam has been both a villain and an anti-hero throughout his long character history. He can fly, is super strong, can manipulate lightening and magic and is comparable to Shazam in almost every way. While we finally have this confirmation of Rock's role, we still don't know when the film is scheduled for release so stay tuned for that news!

Rumored DC Films Releases

Rumored DC Comics' Films Release Dates

In what was allegedly going to be released at Comic-Con International, Deadline found, Nikki Finke has posted a listing of some soon to be produced WB films based on DC comic book properties. Again this is all rumor up to this point, with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice being the only one in production as I type.