Randy's review of The Lego Batman Movie has arrived!
Review: Doctor Strange
Although "Captain America: Civil War" was the beginning of Marvel's third phase, the introduction of the Sorcerer Supreme is the REAL beginning. Being that this was the first story of a new character since Ant-Man back in 2015 (I'm not including Black Panther and Spider-Man because those were cameos), it really needed to push the boundaries to keep us intrigued. I know it got a lot of hype overseas and I did a pretty god job staying away from early reviews so that I wouldn't be spoiled, at least up until 2 hours before seeing it...thanks internet. This movie is the quintessential setup of the new line up of heroes which include Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and to a certain extent, Wasp. Would this movie live up to the hype of the rest of the franchise? Overall, there has yet to be a genuine flop, but over the last couple of years, I personally kept waiting for that shoe to drop, mainly when they first announced "Guardians of the Galaxy" and then later on with the announcement of "Ant-Man". I had the pleasure of not only seeing it on opening night, BUT was also able to see in the Regal's 4DX theater.
Review: Suicide Squad
“The Worst Heroes Get the Best Reviews: Suicide Squad”
Sometimes studios have the tendency to burn a franchise to the ground. At least for me, the DCEU has all but sizzled out of redeemable qualities. I have been burned-out by the darkest films to ever see red and blue tights, and burned by a director who let his vision sacrifice the meaning behind the characters I love. Because of this tone, the next installment of the DCEU has worried me for a while. Would it be too over the top? Would it have too much responsibility on it to ameliorate the franchise and correct the mistakes of it’s predecessors? Would it suffer from trying way too hard to be Guardians or Deadpool-esque? Sitting in the theatre, finally seeing Suicide Squad, it is relieving to be able to say that it’s becoming a bit easier to breath in the DC universe.
Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
When you go to a movie that Michael Bay had a hand in creating you can count on two things. The first is that it will pretty much a non-stop ride. Very few chances to really sit and reflect on what you just saw. Because if you did you’ll start finding all of the flaws in it. And the second is that regardless of how good the movie is, you’ll have a fun time. And that’s exactly what you get with this film, it’s not a great movie it’s just a fun time in the theater.
X-Men Film Review: Part Five
X-Men Film Review: Part Four
X-Men Film Review: Part 3
Well, it has come to this part. What is considered to be the worst film in the X-Men franchise. If you have not been keeping up with my other reviews, go check out Part 1 and Part 2. This one will probably focus more on the flaws than the actually story, as there really isn't much of a story. Most of this will be the differences between the comics and the films.
X-Men Film Review: Part Two
If you are just joining us and you haven't read my first review, click here. It explains everything as we wait to see "X-Men: Apocalypse". This review is more going to try to explain the back story than the last one. Now, let's continue on!!
X-Men Film Review: Part One
As we keep chugging along on our adventure through all sorts of comic movies, it's always nice to take a look back at time when we didn't really think that was going to be a real possibility. I mean, we had a few here and there; Marc Goldblatt's "The Punisher" in 1989 with Dolph Lundgren, Todd McFarlene's "Spawn" came to life on the screen in 1997, and even Marvel's "Blade" started it's three film run in 1998.
Review: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
There isn't a movie out there that I've been waiting to see more than Batman v Superman. To have not just Batman and Superman on the screen at the same time but introducing Wonder Woman to the live action movie universe made my Geek spirit soar! Waiting nearly three years to see the movie that was announced at SDCC was like being a kid waiting for Christmas morning to open all those lovely looking wrapped presents. Now, it's finally here! Was the wait worth all the speculating and the premature internet anger? Let's find out! WARNING: Spoilers ahead!
Review: 10 Cloverfield Lane
Way back in 2008 a movie came out with very little mass media marketing but with this little subtle viral style of marketing. Cloverfield was meant to be a monster movie designed for America and it became something so much more. It was a universe in and of itself almost immediately. Then a few weeks ago we got this surprising and mysterious little trailer for a movie called 10 Cloverfield Lane and then the Cloverfield hysteria was awakened within me. I was exceedingly excited to see this movie and find out exactly how it was tied to Cloverfield if at all.
Review: Deadpool
Going into the theater to see the Merc With a Mouth's first live action solo feature film, I had few expectations. I'm a fan of Ryan Reynolds' comedy work. I knew that this film would be much more adult than all the previous comic book films we've seen in the past. I knew we'd be getting a closer adaptation of Deadpool from the comics than we got in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. My concern was...does it need to be rated R for Deadpool to work?
Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SPOILER FREE)
We've waited a long time for this day. Finally a new entry into the Star Wars saga that could be completely unpredictable. We've had the prequels and we knew going into them what the outcome would be. SPOILERS for the prequels: Anakin would turn into Darth Vader. Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda would survive. The Skywalker babies (Luke and Leia) would be separated at birth. The surprise and thrill of something new was kinda of taken away. Sure we were introduced to new and annoying characters, but the guessing game of "who is this" and "how important are they" were removed before we took our seat in the crowded theater. We've felt the disappointment for a few years and now, finally, we were ready to come home with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.