Avengers Infinity War Teaser Trailer

After 10 years, 18 films, and over 30 characters introduced among the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we have finally reached the film that everyone was talking about since we first saw Thanos in the end credit scene of the first Avenger film; Avengers: Infinity War teaser trailer. If you have not seen it yet, here it is:


Marvel and DC Movie Release Cheat Sheet

Due to there being so many rumors about the upcoming slate of comic book movies, I thought a little cheat sheet on the site might be a good idea. I'll update and keep track of all the dates and details for each upcoming movie on both Marvel and DC's side of things.


Anti-Review: War For The Planet Of The Apes

When 20th Century Fox rebooted Planet of the Apes in 2001 the movie going audience breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, Planet of the Apes had been returned to it’s former glory and in the capable hands of Tim Burton. But despite the critical success that Apes was, Fox and Burton never moved forward with a sequel. Perhaps they were afraid they would be unable to match the success of the first. That turned out to be a valid concern.


Anti-Review: The Dark Tower

Every once in awhile a movie based on a book hits theaters and blows critics and fans away. These are rare occurrences as most films based on books are flops. Just look at The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Silence of the Lambs and The Godfather. All films based on works of print that failed to live up to the source material. Then out of nowhere we are graced with the likes of Eragon, The Golden Compass and The Giver that take the source material and elevate it to unforeseen heights. We can now add The Dark Tower to this list of cinematic achievements.


Official Domino And Cable Photos Released!

Through the combined efforts of Ryan Reynolds and 20th Century Fox bravely pressing the 'Enter' key, we have our first official looks at Domino and Cable from the upcoming Deadpool sequel.


Anti-Review: Catwoman

Pouncing straight off the pages of DC is comic book history’s most popular and sexy burglar. Catwoman revolutionized the game by playing both a foil and a love interest to DC’s most overrated character, Batman.


Anti-Review: Spider-Man Homecoming

To say that Spider-Man: Homecoming is a great movie would, indeed, be a statement. It’d be an inaccurate statement but a statement it would remain.


"IT": The First Full Trailer

by Matt Spaulding

The first full trailer for new adaptation of Stephen King's classic novel, It, arrived today and it's jammed packed with terror!

Much like in the first teaser, in this trailer we're given a glimpse of the Losers Club: Ben, Beverly, Bill, Eddie, Mike, Stan and Richie as well as Georgie, the catalyst for the Losers' fight against Pennywise. And, of course, Pennywise himself is pretty heavily featured, being the main monster of the movie.

Other story elements introduced in this trailer are Patrick Hockstetter, a bully who falls prey to It, as well as a very quick flash of Henry Bowers and his notorious switch-blade knife. We also get plenty of terror as Pennywise pops out a few times, a very dead Georgie chants "you'll float, too" and flashes of creatures and blood fly across the screen.

And while this trailer is very promising, I still have a few reservations going into this flick. I have read the novel several times, and will probably listen to it all the way through again before the film comes out. It's one of my favorite novels of all time, if not my number one favorite. It is a fantastic horror novel in which very little of the horror comes from the monster. The real horror of It is very deep: it's the horror of losing childhood innocence, of child abuse, of spousal abuse,  of growing old, of racism, of forgetting. It's a novel that affects me deeply on an emotional level and I'm a bit nervous that a lot of the true horror of It will be lost in the jumps scares and blood this trailer promises. But, then again, the true horror of It is pretty hard to convey in a trailer, so it just might be there after all.

Check it out for yourself below and go see It in theaters on September 8th!


Anti-Review: Captain America: Civil War

Well, when it rains it pours and Marvel Studios continues its streak of duds with Captain America: Civil War.


Anti-Review: Fant4stic

In 2005, film studio 20th Century Fox and rock star filmmaker Tim Story introduced the movie going audience to the Fantastic Four.


The "Dark Universe" And How It Should Be Done

We now live in an age where most film franchises are trying to build universes within their films. We already know of the comic based ones like Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Expanded Universe, and there is even ones connecting the 21 Jump Street films to the Men In Black franchise. Yeah, that's a thing to keep an eye out for...I guess.


Jessica Chastain In Talks for X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Fans of the X-Men rejoice! Not only have we gotten news about possible casting of the next X-Men film's main antagonist, but the main cast of X-Men: Apocalypse are set to return as well. Jessica Chastain is currently in talks to portray Lilandra, the empress of the Shi'ar Empire who are searching for the Phoenix force in order to destroy it.


Black Panther Looks...Awesome!

Chadwick Boseman’s portrayal of T’Challa aka Black Panther was a highlight of Captain America: Civil War. It was a great introduction for the character’s previously announced solo film. Now Marvel has seen fit to start shoveling some coal on the Black Panther hype train by dropping a surprise poster and teaser trailer this weekend. I got a chance to check out the trailer, then I checked it out again, then one more time for good measure...then about 17 more times. So what did I think about it?


Review: Alien: Covenant

Let me preface this review by saying“I liked this movie!” It has plot holes big enough to drive a truck through, but it also has all of the Alien franchise classics


Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Six years ago we endured the fourth installment of the acclaimed Disney franchise, and most viewers felt like it was a black spot on the series’ record. Honestly, I enjoyed At World’s End even with its latent inconsistencies and renewed focus on Johnny Depp’s outlandish performance. I am a huge fan, not only of the Pirates franchise, but of the original Disneyland ride as well as general pirate lore and imagery, so this may have allowed the film to get away with more indiscretions in my eyes than most others. However, I understood the outcry and the negative response the film received even if I didn’t join in on the hangings. But, now with Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, I’m disinclined to acquiesce requests for the franchise’s demise. Fair Warning: There be spoilers ahead. You may not survive to pass this way again and these be the last friendly words you hear…


Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Review

I just got out of seeing "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" and I have things to tell you. I overall enjoyed the film, but I did have some small issues. Nothing that really ruined the film, but just felt off or out of place. 


The First Trailer For "The Dark Tower" Disappoints This "Dark Tower" Fan.

I have loved Stephen King's epic "Dark Tower" series for many years. It's an incredible story that spans seven books (eight, if you count the later addition "The Wind Through the Keyhole" which takes place between books 4 and 5) and 1.3 million words. So when I heard that the series was set to be adapted to film, I was skeptical, but remained open-minded thinking that, if the Harry Potter film series could do justice to those books, a series of Dark Tower films might be able to do the same. I would have preferred a "Game of Thrones" type TV show, but I could live with movies.